Pokemon Blue Version
“After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 298: Squirtle” の続きを読むポケモンは教養の宝庫。剣盾の検証や海外情報も。
Pokemon Blue Version
“After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 298: Squirtle” の続きを読む露骨な非最終形態消費回です
Pokemon HeartGold Version
“Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins, it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the patterns on its tail fins softly shine.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 294: Finneon” の続きを読む今年も雨の季節ですね
Pokemon Fire Red Version
“The rhythm of bright, festive music activates LUDICOLO’s cells, making it more powerful.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 293: Ludicolo” の続きを読む亀のようなポケモンがアニメで話題ですね。
Pokemon Scarlet
“Its massive, jagged teeth can crush a boulder in a single bite. This Pokémon has an extremely vicious disposition.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 286: Drednaw” の続きを読むWalking Wake
No Pokedex Entries
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 280: Walking Wake” の続きを読む今年もよろしくお願いします。
Tatsugiri (Droopy Form)
Pokemon Violet
“This Pokémon tricks its opponents by playing dead. It is small and weak, but it uses its smarts to survive.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 271: Tatsugiri” の続きを読む255という数字に思うところがあるのはポケモントレーナーだけ
Pokemon Diamond Version
“The larger pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 255: Kingler” の続きを読む海、有毒生物の注意書が多くて入りづらくないですか
Pokemon Sapphire Version
“TENTACOOL absorbs sunlight and refracts it using water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. This POKéMON shoots beams from its crystal-like eyes.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 247: Tentacool” の続きを読むラグで詰まないか?をナマズンで味わうことになるとは……
Pokemon Legends: Arceus
“Strikes its caudal fin against the swamp bed to shake the ground and startle its prey. It will then swallow the fleeing prey whole. People mistook this behavior as the cause of earthquakes.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 243: Whiscash” の続きを読む初夏だか梅雨だかよくわからない気候ですね
Pokemon Ultra Sun
“Although its cries sound like screams, a composer created a beautiful ballad that was influenced by the sounds.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 242: Politoed” の続きを読む