Pokemon Black Version 2
“Extremely cautious, it quickly bounds off when it senses danger.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 323: Lopunny” の続きを読むポケモンは教養の宝庫。剣盾の検証や海外情報も。
Pokemon Black Version 2
“Extremely cautious, it quickly bounds off when it senses danger.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 323: Lopunny” の続きを読むちょうどいい虚無回があったもので
Iron Bundle
Pokemon Scarlet
“Its shape is similar to a robot featured in a paranormal magazine article. The robot was said to have been created by an ancient civilization.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 322: Iron Bundle” の続きを読む1ヶ月くらいネタバレはなるべく避けます
Pokemon Scarlet
“It gathers static electricity from its surroundings. The beams it launches when down on all fours are tremendously powerful.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 321: Archaludon” の続きを読むピッピがメトロノームを持っている問題
Pokemon Gold Version
“The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 320: Togepi” の続きを読む4年前に進化後を扱ったらしいですがもはや記憶にないです
Pokemon X
“A two-headed Pokémon that was discovered as a sudden mutation. It runs at a pace of over 60 miles per hour.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 319: Doduo” の続きを読むアニメ的に表情を作りやすい顔をしている
Pokemon FireRed Version
“It stores BERRIES inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 318: Shuckle” の続きを読む*子供は自立しません
Maushold (Family of Four)
Pokemon Scarlet
“The two little ones just appeared one day. The group might be a family of related Pokémon, but nobody knows for sure.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 317: Maushold” の続きを読む技名、かぁ
Pokemon Sun
“Its long, striking legs aren’t just for show but to be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 316: Tsareena” の続きを読む引っ越します。家がなくなるみたいなので
Pokemon Sapphire Version
“MAGCARGO’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact. If this POKéMON is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 315: Magcargo” の続きを読む定期的に思い出したいシヌヌワン
Pokemon Violet
“This friendly Pokémon doesn’t like being alone. Pay it even the slightest bit of attention, and it will follow you forever.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 314: Greavard” の続きを読む