Pokemon Ultra Sun
“This Pokémon was created using the cutting-edge science of 20 years ago, so many parts of it have since become obsolete.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 147: Porygon” の続きを読むポケモンは教養の宝庫。剣盾の検証や海外情報も。
Pokemon Ultra Sun
“This Pokémon was created using the cutting-edge science of 20 years ago, so many parts of it have since become obsolete.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 147: Porygon” の続きを読むMacがフリーズしたときの私、ネンドールくらい無表情だったと思う
Pokemon Ruby Version
“CLAYDOL are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. This POKéMON moves about while levitating.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 146: Claydol” の続きを読むGO Festivalの目玉の一つではあったのでしょうか。
“This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 145: Victini” の続きを読む楽しそうに飛び跳ねていた頃の彼を返して
Pokemon White Version
“They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 144: Eelektross” の続きを読むPokemon GOのARでホエルオーって出せるんでしたっけ
Pokemon Diamond Version
“The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 143: Wailord” の続きを読むもう7月の半ばって信じられませんね
Pokemon Sword
“It’s capable of flying faster than 120 mph. It battles alongside Dreepy and dotes on them until they successfully evolve.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 142: Drakloak” の続きを読むいつでもクリエイターになりたかった
Pokemon Diamond Version
“It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 141: Smeargle” の続きを読むキノコを集めるゲームが多すぎて嫌になりますね
Pokemon White Version
“They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 140: Amoongus” の続きを読むキョダイ形態、格好よすぎませんか???
Pokemon Shield
“Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes’ weak points so it can precisely blast them with water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 139: Inteleon” の続きを読むMacbookを買い換えたい(数年間言っている)
Pokemon Shield
“It flies on wings of apple skin and spits a powerful acid. It can also change its shape into that of an apple.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 138: Flapple” の続きを読む