Pokemon Black Version 2
“Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy, their snot is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 153: Cubchoo” の続きを読むポケモンは教養の宝庫。剣盾の検証や海外情報も。
Pokemon Black Version 2
“Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy, their snot is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 153: Cubchoo” の続きを読む中学生以来にマリオギャラクシーやってます
Pokemon Shield
“A discovery was made in the desert where Sigilyph fly. The ruins of what may have been an ancient city were found beneath the sands.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 152: Sigilyph” の続きを読む151番のためにミュウを残しておかない、センスのないブロガーがいるらしい。
Pokemon Crystal Version
“When it is in danger, its tail uses some sort of mysterious powers to drive away the enemy.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 151: Girafarig” の続きを読む2ターンに一回は休みが欲しくないですか。
Pokemon Sapphire Version
“SLAKOTH’s heart beats just once a minute. Whatever happens, it is content to loaf around motionless. It is rare to see this POKéMON in motion.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 150: Slakoth” の続きを読むホーホーッ ホ↑ホー
Pokemon Sword
“Unfezant are exceptional fliers. The females are known for their stamina, while the males outclass them in terms of speed.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 149: Unfezant” の続きを読むルーター変えたら電波が届きやすくなりました。
Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Pokemon Sword
“When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 148: Toxtricity” の続きを読むやってみて初めて学ぶことも多い。
Pokemon Ultra Sun
“This Pokémon was created using the cutting-edge science of 20 years ago, so many parts of it have since become obsolete.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 147: Porygon” の続きを読むMacがフリーズしたときの私、ネンドールくらい無表情だったと思う
Pokemon Ruby Version
“CLAYDOL are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. This POKéMON moves about while levitating.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 146: Claydol” の続きを読むGO Festivalの目玉の一つではあったのでしょうか。
“This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 145: Victini” の続きを読む楽しそうに飛び跳ねていた頃の彼を返して
Pokemon White Version
“They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean.”
詳しい内容は “続きを読む” から。
“Pokemon of the Week 144: Eelektross” の続きを読む